Twenty four years ago, I lived in West Memphis, Arkansas and was the mother of a four-month old daughter. During that same time, my hometown,
Clarksdale, had given birth to one of their babies - the Sunflower River Blues & Gospel Festival. And like my daughter, it has grown and taken on a life of its own.
The 24th annual Sunflower Fest is scheduled to start this Friday, August 12. Tourists, visitors, artists, and friends are already in town. The numbers will grow throughout the week. They come from all over the world. Several make the trek every year. I've only attended a little over half of the festivals. Actually, it was in its third or fourth year before I was even aware of it. I had happened to come home for a visit and it was going on. Was pleasantly surprised.
My Daddy, Don "Boogie Woogie" Mooneyhan
My Daddy had known about the festival from the beginning and, except for the last couple of years, came to Clarksdale for all the festivals. Many times he came down from Tate County, Mississippi, with Mr. Otha Turner, R. L. Boyce, and the Rising Star Fife and Drum Band. After they would play their first venue, Daddy would ride with the group in the back of an old truck, singing and playing, to the main stage. Mr. Turner has passed away. I think Daddy sees R.L. from time to time and Mr. Turner's granddaughter, Sharde, carries on the tradition of fife playing. The band continues to make the yearly pilgrimage to Clarksdale.
Daddy at Stovall, checking out Muddy's Blues Trail Marker.
Other musicians on the agenda for this year include Pat Thomas, Kenny Brown, T-Model Ford, Bill Abel, and Johnny "Duck" Holmes. The Delta Blues Museum Band kicks off the festival on the main stage, Friday at 4:15. There will be many acts at various venues throughout the weekend. To name a few, Ground Zero Blues Club, Red's, Bluesberry Cafe, The Den, Hopson Commissary, and Cathead. For full schedules check out individual websites. The festival website is www.sunflowerfest.org.
One of my favorite bands, the members of which are really dear friends, will play one of my favorite venues on Saturday night, August 13. Blues Award winner, James "Super
Chikan" Johnson and the Fighting Cocks will be at Ground Zero Blues Club. No matter where I see them play, or how many times I see them on stage, they bring the house down. The entertainment does not get any better, in my opinion. Below are pics from their performances at the 2010 Sunflower River Blues & Gospel Festival.
"Super Chikan and The Fighting Cocks"
Super Chikan and guest, Baby Boy
Jamiesa Turner
Torey Todora (filling in for Heather Tackett Falduto)
And my very dear friend, LaLa
The Sunflower River Blues & Gospel Festival is just one of the many treasures Clarksdale has to offer. Come visit my hometown!